(1)倍數+ as … as 的譯法
“ n times + as … as ” 譯為 “是……的n倍”“為……n倍”。
The oxygen atom is nearly 16 times as heavy as the hydrogen atom.
The thermal conductivity of metals is as much as several hundred times that of glass. 金屬的熱導率是玻璃的數百倍。
(2)倍數+ 比較級+ than 譯法 n times + 比較級 + than 譯為 “是……的n 倍”
Iron is almost three times heavier than aluminum. 鐵的重量幾乎是鋁的3倍。The volume of the earth is 49 times larger than of the moon. 地球的體積是月球的49倍。
英語中“ n times +名詞(代詞+that)”譯為“ 是……的n 倍”
The peak value of an alternating current is 1.414 times its effective value.
by + n +單位:表示凈增量
The production has increased by 36. 產量已增加了36
n times n-fold n 00 表示成n倍的增加,增加到n倍,或增加了n-1倍。 In 1975,the output value of Shanghai’s heavy industry multiplied 18 times as against 1949. 1975年上海重工業產值比1949年增長了17倍。
by + a factor of + n 表示增加到n倍,增加了n-1倍。
The production of machine tools has been increased by a factor of 6 since 1965.
凈減量,by + n+ 單位
The loss of metal was reduced by 40%. 金屬損耗減少了40%。
The operating cost decreased three times. 操作費用減少了三分之二。
The data in Fig 3 show a nearly three-fold difference in the highest values.
This one is nine times lighter than that one. 這個比那個輕十分之九。