1.be devastated
【原句】If anything ever happened to him, I'd be devastated.(S06E05)
She was utterly devastated when her husband died.
They intended to devastate the town at one stroke.
【原句】Well, like most people straight out of college, I'm at a job I don't wanna be at.
I came straight out of school, and I came home here.
Can't you see it? - it's straight ahead (of you)!
Time is short so I'll get straight to the point (= explain the matter immediately).
devastated adj.
1)極度震驚的;極為煩亂的。= very shocked and upset
2)被徹底摧毀的;毀滅的。= completely destroyed,如devastated villages完全被毀的村莊。
devastate v.[T] 1)摧毀;毀滅。2)使極為震驚;使極為煩亂。
2.straight out of college
straight out of college 大學畢業。straight out of...的形式。
straight adj./adv.直的(地),筆直的(地)。a straight line直線。