1.sneak out
【原句】We got to sneak her out the back door.(S05E12)
I thought I'd sneak up on him (= move close to him without him seeing) and give him a surprise.
She was always sneaking on other kids in the class.
【原句】Oh, here come the waterworks!(S05E12)
The doctor asked if I'd had any problems with my waterworks.
You can turn on the waterworks all you want - I'm not going to change my mind!
sneak out 溜走;漸隱;淡出。
sneak v.偷偷地走,潛行;偷帶,偷拿。告密;(尤指向老師)打小報告。
2.Here come the waterworks
Here come the waterworks.要哭鼻子了。
waterworks n.自來水廠;(人體的)泌尿系統。turn on the waterworks(尤指過分、不必要或假惺惺地)哭起來。