“regulations concerning academic degrees in the people's republic of china”
結業證書 certificate of completion
畢業證書 certificate of graduation
肄業證書 certificate of completion/incompletion/attendance/study
教育學院 college/institute of education
中學 middle[secondary] school
師范學校 normal school[upper secondary level
師范專科學校 normal specialised postsecondary college
師范大學 normal[teachers] university
公正書 notarial certificate
專科學校 postsecondary specialised college
廣播電視大學 radio and television university
中等專科學校 secondary specialised school
自學考試 self-study examination
技工學校 skilled workers[training] school
業余大學 spare-time university
職工大學 staff and workers university
大學 university(regular,degree-granting)
職業大學 vocational university